Welcome to the HSR Classifieds
We are proud to offer listings for those selling or seeking race cars, parts, and services.
Classified ads run on the HSR Website for 90 days.
To place a classified ad, please CONTACT US. There is a maximum of 250 words plus two (2) photos per ad. Prices are as follows:
HSR Member: $100 for ad on HSR Website
Non-Member: $150 for ad on HSR Website
HSR may refuse an at its sole discretion.

Absolute Turn Key 2007 NASCAR COT 5th Generation Cup Car
Evernham Motorsports EMS-216 chassis #44 AJ Allmendinger Dodge Charger in full Road Race prep
Fresh RDE 358 engine with 2 events
G-Force 4 spd and rear axle
Penske / Roehrig dampers
AP 6 pot frt / 4 pot rear calipers
3 sets rims with new Hoosier slicks and rains, wiper and rain lights
Many spare suspension and brake parts
Custom car cover
Fresh RDE dyno time only minus intake and loaded 30ft Renegade tag Triaxle Stacker available
Call for price
Contact: Bob
Email: (440) 829-7982