New Licensing/Registration Portal:  

For 2025, HSR is launching a new licensing and registration system and will no longer utilize
In this new system, you will first be required to 'register' an account.  Click on the link below this paragraph, enter your email address where indicated, and create a password for your account.  Once that is done, click on "Register".  You will receive an email that a) verifies the email address used and b) contains a link to the license application.
Click here:  HSR Licensing Portal
HSR has developed two (2) documents intended to guide you through this new process.  You may access these documents here:
Crew Licenses may be entered by a driver who has an event entry.
HSR now requires all drivers and co-drivers to hold a license issued by HSR.


HSR continues to offer the Single Event Credential (SEC) license.  This license is for those who will compete at a single event with HSR in 2025.  The cost of a SEC Competition is $150, and a SEC Super License is $200.  If a second SEC licenes is needed in a calendar year, a full (annual) license will be issued and the difference in price will be due.  This difference is $135 for a competition license and $185 for a super license.

Use the link above to apply for a full HSR competition or super license, or to apply for a single evenet credential license.

The purchase of a full competition or super license will include a subscription to Classic Motorsports magazine and admittance ffor the license-holder to most HSR-sanctioned events (excluding certain specialty events).


  • To participate in HSR races, you must have a license issued by HSR.  After completing the license application, it will be reviewed by HSR competition staff.  DO NOT attempt to register for a race event until your license has been approved.
  • Competitors who are new to HSR will recieve their license at the first HSR event at which they are a competitor.